Patient Centered Medical Homes

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Much ado is made about Accountable Care Organizations (ACO) and how they will affect care. As an oft overlooked sub-component of the ACO, the Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH) stands to make a much bigger impact as many more organizations can employ the PCMH concept without a Medicare ACO designation. As a result, the PCMH concept can be employed with less risk, administrative burden and greater flexibility.

Although Ateracor strongly supports the concept of the ACO, and has many tools and services to facilitate ACOs, Ateracor can show ways and provide cost effective, web based tools for any practice of any size to create synergies applied to the PCMH concept and compete with much larger organizations in a very efficient manner.

What are you doing and what are your thoughts on the ACO and PCMH approaches?


Categories: ACO, PCMH

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