General Management and Operations Services

Although you have good staff working for you and a good office, there may be some key roles you’re missing that could really help you improve your business operations and profitability. The good news is you may not need these roles on a full time basis, so you won’t need to hire more people.

Ateracor can bridge these gaps for you.

We can support you in high level management areas such as strategic planning, finance, operations improvement and business validation. We can also take on the mundane, regulatory and tedious tasks that are required to keep you in business so your staff can work on things that are of higher value to your operations.

Wide Range of Support

We can assist you with improving the financial health of your operations, improving your claims billings, collecting the money that is due to you, and recognizing proper benefits for all of your customers. In the area of contracts, we can identify services that you are missing out on, and evaluate and provide alternatives for the services you have contracted with from different parties.

We can ensure that you have all the appropriate plan, provider and facility networks that you need to grow your business. And we can help you gain access to those networks so you can get maximum value for your services.

Many Options Available for You

Our Management Operations Services include:
  • Strategic planning and business development
  • Business validation and organization
  • Finance, budgeting, reporting and analytics, predictive modeling
  • Program management
  • Systems, processes and operations management
  • Medical management
  • Sales and marketing plans
  • Claims processing
  • Customer service support
  • Account management
  • Product development
  • Request for Proposals (RFP)
  • Branding materials (including sales collateral development and production, web site portals, online accessibility)
  • Banking (premium billing and collections, vendor payments)
  • Insurance (underwriting and actuarial, broker commissions, subrogation, COB, reinsurance, insurance filings)
  • Plan Design and Administration
  • Provider Networks (contracting, relationships, credentialing, wrap networks, transplant/Centers of Excellence)
  • Human Resources