Government Regulations Services

Ateracor can safely guide you through the ins and outs and twists and turns of dealing with Government Regulations, compliance and technology in the volatile healthcare market.

We have experience sorting through the Government Regulations. We are aware of the trends and shifts before they happen. We are experts in dealing with regulations that are tough to follow and implement.

End Compliance Worries

You can stop worrying about being reimbursed at a lessor rate, getting fined or shut down for non-compliance. We’re in a unique position: we understand the healthcare industry, we’ve been in small and large operations, and we are proficient at successfully navigating the regulatory world. We can help you become compliant and deal with the inherent complexities without hindering your operations.

New Opportunities

If obtaining new business interests you, there are many different programs currently available. We can assist you with requests for proposals (RFPs) and finding appropriate partners for you to work with that may already have their foot in the door, and need your particular area of expertise to complete their offer.

We are also expert at uncovering additional funding and reimbursement for services that you offer. Sometimes all that is needed is an unknown code, diagnosis or missing note to get you that extra reimbursement from a government payer for services that you already provided but may not have received adequate payment.

Service Options

We can help you with:

  • Preparing for Meaningful Use, Stars rankings, Accountable Care Organizations, Patient Centered Medical Homes
  • Legal compliance, administrative agreements, contracts
  • ERISA administration, requirements fulfillment, fillings, FMLA, etc.
  • Risk management
  • Regulatory updates
  • Pharmacy benefit management
  • COBRA administration
  • HIPAA administration
  • HAS, FSA, HRA administration